Typescript notes


const button = document.querySelector("button");
const input1 = document.getElementById("num1");
const input2 = document.getElementById("num2");

function add(num1, num2){
    return num1 + num2;

button.addEventListener("click", function()) {
	console.log(add(input1.value, input2.value));                        

Typescript的本质: typescript是不能在浏览器上直接运行的,通常我们使用typescript进行代码编写,是因为他能更好的,更安全的编写代码。为了让我们用ts写的代码可以在浏览器上运行,就需要将其转为js文件. 通常命令为 tsc abc.ts

Installing and Using

Using npm to download Typescript : npm install -g typescript

typescript file 后缀名是 .ts

const button = document.querySelector("button");
const input1 = document.getElementById("num1") ! as HTMLInputElement; //加上!后面的内容告知TS input1是一个HTML的标签,是确实存在的,不然在input1.value那里会报错
const input2 = document.getElementById("num2") ! as HTMLInputElement;

function add(num1: number, num2: number){//如果不限制type那么就会默认为any
    return num1 + num2;

button.addEventListener("click", function()) {
	console.log(add(+input1.value, +input2.value));                        

然后将typescript文件通过tsc 命令转为js, 得到:

const button = document.querySelector("button");
const input1 = document.getElementById("num1");
const input2 = document.getElementById("num2");

function add(num1, num2){
    return num1 + num2;

button.addEventListener("click", function()) {
	console.log(add(+input1.value, +input2.value));                        
//他可以很好的处理10+5这个计算,得到15 而不是105

Advantage os Typescript


Next-gen JavaScript Features (compiled down for older Browsers)

Non-JavaScriopt Features like Interfaces or Generics

Meta-Programming Features like Decorators

Rich Configuration Options

Modern Tooling that helps even in non-TypeScript Projects

Setting Developpement Environment

IDE: Vs-code

Extension: ESLint, Material Icon Theme, Path Intellisense, Prettier - Code formatter, TSLint



Javascript type和Typescript type区别:key difference is: JS uses “dynamic types”(resolved at runtime), TS uses “static types”(set during development)

Core Types

Type Instance Description
number 1, 5.3, -10 All numbers, no differentiation between integers or floats
string ‘Hi’, “Hi”, All text values
boolean true, false Just these two, no “truthy” or “falsy” values
object {age:30} Any javascript object,more specific types(type of object) are possible
Array [1,2,3] Any JavaScript array, type can be flexible or strict(regarding the element tyeps)
–Tuple [1,2] Added by TypeScript: Fixed-length array
–Enum enum {NEW, OLD} Added by TypeScript: Automatically enumerated global constrant identifiers
–Any * Any kind of value, no specific type assignment

typescript在函数的参数声明的时候,以及变量的声明的时候 需要带上数据类型,像java一样。如果不带会默认为any

typescript常用typeof方法来判断变量的数据类型然后代码再继续下一步。typeof n1 !== 'number'

Object Types

const person: {
    name: string;//注意这里不是逗号是分号
    age: number;
} = {
    name: 'Maximilian',
    age: 30

Array Types

const person = {
    name: "silong",
    age: 23,
    hobbies: ['Sports','Cooking']

let favoriteActivities: string[];
favoriteActivities = ['Sports'];

for (const hobby of person.hobbies){
    //hobby.map  ERROR


const person: {
    name: string;//注意这里不是逗号是分号
    age: number;
    role: [number, string];//an array accept 2 types, first value is a number, second is a string
} = {
    name: 'Maximilian',
    age: 30,
    role: [2,'author'] // Tuple

person.role.push('admin')//it works

person.role = [0, 'admin']//it works
person.role = [0,'admin','user'] //error


Important: Often, you’ll see enums with all-uppercase values but that’s not a “must-do”. You can go with ANY value names

和JAVA中的 枚举 类似

enum Role {ADMIN = 5, READ_ONLY, AUTHOR} //READ_ONLY会变成6

const person = {
	name: "silong",
	role: Role.ADMIN

if (person.role === Role.AUTHOR){

Union Type

关键符号 |

function comine(input1: number | string, input2: number | string){ //可以让输入的参数接收两个或多个数据类型
	let result;
    if(typoof input1 === 'number' && typeof input2 === 'number'){
        result = input1 + input2;
        result = input1.toString() + input2.toString();
    return result;

Literal Type

function comine(input1: number | string, input2: number | string,
                resultConversion: 'as-number' | 'as-text'){ //resultConversion只能接收这两个值
	let result;
    if(typoof input1 === 'number' && typeof input2 === 'number' || resultConversion === 'as-number'){//必须得和上面两个值的其中一个一致不然会报错
        result = input1 + input2;
        result = input1.toString() + input2.toString();
    return result;

Type alias. important

//使用type关键字 将 union Type 简化为一个自己命名的type
type combinable = number | string ;
type conversionDescriptor = 'as-number' | 'as-text';

function comine(input1: combinable, input2: combinable,
                resultConversion: conversionDescriptor){ //resultConversion只能接收这两个值
	let result;
    if(typoof input1 === 'number' && typeof input2 === 'number' || resultConversion === 'as-number'){//必须得和上面两个值的其中一个一致不然会报错
        result = input1 + input2;
        result = input1.toString() + input2.toString();
    return result;


Function return type and Void

Function return type如果不指明那就是根据变量类型和return类型自适应

function add (n1: number, n2: number): void{
	return n1 + n2;

Function type and callbacks

function add (n1: number, n2: number){
	return n1 + n2;
function printResult(num: number): void{
	console.log("Result:" + num);

let combineValues: Function;
combineValues = add;
combineValues = printResult; // combineValues会被认为是printResult而不是add

let combineValue2: (a:number, b:number) => number;
combineValue2 = add;//works
combineValue2 = printResult//error

function addAndHanle(n1:number, n2:number,cb:(num: number) => void){
	const result = n1+n2;

addAndHandle(10,20,(result) => {

The other type

Unknown type


任何类型的值都可以赋给 unknown 类型,但是 unknown 类型的值只能赋给 unknown 本身和 any 类型。

let userInput: unknown;
let userName: string

userInput =5;
userInput = 'Max';
if(typeof userInput === 'string'){
	userName = userInput;

Never type

let userInput: unknown;
let userName: string

userInput =5;
userInput = 'Max';
if(typeof userInput === 'string'){
	userName = userInput;

function generateError(message: string, code:number): never{
	throw {message: message, errorCode: code};

cont result = generateError('An error occurred!', 500);
console.log(result);//会显示空白而不是undefined,因为throws中断了代码的进行。这里function的返回值是never 类型

文章作者: Silong Xu
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Silong Xu !
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